Career Readiness Program

A quality liberal arts education paired with a comprehensive, 职业准备计划嵌入到学生的经历可以确保你准备好在就业市场上脱颖而出, and long after you graduate.

Achieve More With Your Education

职业准备计划为学生提供了一条获得职业准备技能的途径,这些技能是当今雇主所寻求的,因为我们为学生准备了一个不断变化的世界. 通过“做得好,做得好”的视角,学生将重点关注的技能包括:

Career & Self Development | Communication | Critical Thinking
Equity & Inclusion | Leadership | Professionalism | Teamwork | Technology

学生将通过三个层次的课程来实现并展示所有八个技能领域的能力. 你将直接与你的圣迈克尔职业教练一起工作,他将指导你完成这个项目. 每一关都建立在前一关的经验基础上,完成每一关都可以为你的履历和LinkedIn档案赢得一个Career Ready徽章, telling employers you are prepared to excel above other candidates.

我们力求让我们的学生为毕业后的生活和在多元化的工作场所就业做好准备. Through each level of the badge, 参加者将参与加强其职业准备的活动,并需要扩大对社区服务和接触各种文化差异的经验.

通过对社区的服务,每个级别的课程都将获得顶点. 服务可以通过参与广泛的校园活动来实现, local, or hometown organizations and will be approved by a Career Coach. 这些经历将被广泛定义,可以从移动项目到学生政府或食品货架到居住生活. 社区参与是圣迈克尔经验的重要组成部分,是获得职业技能和为多样化工作场所做准备的宝贵途径.

Level 1

参与者将积极参与他们的早期职业教育过程,并反思他们的学习.  学生们将开始通过经历和机会为他们的职业成功投资的过程,这些经历和机会将导致他们的未来表现良好.


Self-assessment | Career coaching sessions
Networking skills | Professional documents and online profile


Badge Requirements

Join a selected campus, local or hometown service organization.

Complete at least four of the following and work with a Career Coach to track your progress in Canvas and have it verified.

  • 完成一份自我评估工具(TypeFocus和/或CliftonStrengths),并与一位专家讨论 Career Coach to identify career interests, skills and values.
  • Meet with a Career Coach to discuss your major choice/s or options for a major/s.
  • 制作一份大学水平的简历、求职信和在线专业简介(包括 Handshake, SMC Connect and LinkedIn) and have them reviewed by a Career Coach.
  • With a Career Coach, explore experiential learning options such as internships, 出国留学和教师主导的研究,并与这些项目的合适顾问会面.
  • Work on or off campus in a resumé-building experience (see a Career Coach to determine this).
  • Join the alumni network in LinkedIn and connect with at least two alumni for networking purposes.


  • Complete the online reflection form for Level One in Canvas. Reflection forms will focus on the eight career readiness skills.
  • Provide self-assessment results through TypeFocus or CliftonStrengths.
  • Work with a Career Coach to verify your completion of these criteria.

Level 2

学员将积极参与课外学习,包括参加职业活动, 完成体验式学习并利用职业教育中心的资源. 学生参与探索未来职业机会的经历,并表现出好奇心和寻找激情的动力.

你将进一步磨练你的技能和知识,并开始发展你的专业网络和经验. You will meet alumni in your field and partake in activities like:

Career symposia | Job shadowing
Practice interviews | Informational interviews

Badge Requirements

Completed Level One badge.


Complete at least four of the following and work with a Career Coach to track your progress in Canvas and have it verified.

  • 完成两次与校友或在你的目标职业领域的人的信息面试 SMC Connect and/or LinkedIn.
  • Complete a practice interview with a Career Coach.
  • 完成体验式学习的选择,如实习、出国留学或教师主导的研究.
  • Attend the November Career Symposium (on campus), the New York Career Seminar or Boston Career Seminar in January.
  • Work with a Career Coach to complete a job shadow in your field of interest.
  • 研究你的研究生选择,如研究生院,就业或服务 Career Coach.
  • Work with a Career Coach to find and connect with a mentor in your field of interest.


  • 必须获得并接受职业生涯准备一级徽章,并完成你的信用档案.
  • Complete the online reflection form for Level Two in Canvas. Reflection forms will focus on the eight career readiness skills.
  • 上传到Credly*至少一个例子,你的工作,展示你的技能/成就.
  • Work with a Career Coach to verify your completion of these criteria.

Level 3

With level one and level two badges completed, 参与者将利用这些技能和经验在校园内外担任领导角色. 学生还将继续积极参与职业教育过程, 同时通过俱乐部/组织协助他人开展与职业相关的活动. The attainment of the third badge culminates with the confidence, wherewithal, and determination to lead them to their post-graduate career endeavors.

你的职业准备工作的最后一个层次包括运用你的职业技能和工具,发展领导经验和为更大的人类利益服务的愿望. These activities will include:

Internship experiences | Leadership with a campus, local, or hometown organization | Applications for employment, graduate school, or service


Badge Requirements

在校园或当地或家乡组织策划一次与职业相关的活动, which could include an alumni/ae guest speaker. For example, 请一位演讲者在MOVE项目中谈论非营利管理,或为宿舍生活工作人员举办的领导小组讨论.

Complete at least four of the following and work with a Career Coach to track your progress in Canvas and have it verified.

  • 在有意义的对话中至少与你的导师联系两次(如果在第二阶段完成) SMC Connect, phone, LinkedIn or in person).
  • Complete applications for employment, graduate school or service.
  • Attend the Career Symposium in November, the New York Career Seminar or Boston Career Seminar in January.
  • With a Career Coach, develop a career branding plan with updated online profiles and resumé; optimize LinkedIn and SMC Connect profiles, build a target network and engage.
  • 参加至少两次与职业相关的校园活动,包括研讨会和职业小组(不包括职业研讨会).


  • 必须获得并接受职业准备一级和二级徽章.
  • Complete the online reflection form for Level Three. 反思表格将侧重于八项职业准备技能,三级考试必须完成所有八项技能.
  • 通过参加俱乐部或组织来展示领导能力, community service, or employment.
  • Demonstrate career preparedness through a career branding plan.
  • 上传到Credly*至少一个例子,你的工作,展示你的技能/成就.
  • Work with a Career Coach to verify your completion of these criteria.

*专业发展和高等教育的数字证书网络. Learn more at